
El Correo: El vizcaíno Asier Quintana, elegido mejor Diseñador Emergente Vasco por BIAAF
El holandés Jef Montes y el israelí Tal Maslavi han obtenido los otros dos galardones en la VIII edición del concurso Bilbao International Art&Fashion. Una exposición en La Terminal, en...
El Correo: El vizcaíno Asier Quintana, elegido mejor Diseñador Emergente Vasco por BIAAF
El holandés Jef Montes y el israelí Tal Maslavi han obtenido los otros dos galardones en la VIII edición del concurso Bilbao International Art&Fashion. Una exposición en La Terminal, en...

Lampoon: Fashion Film Festival Milano 2023 counts a new category: the Best Metaverse Fashion Film
Best new designer/brand and Best new Italian designer/brand are the categories in which in addition to talent for communication and message effectiveness, a more or less emerging brand is rewarded...
Lampoon: Fashion Film Festival Milano 2023 counts a new category: the Best Metaverse Fashion Film
Best new designer/brand and Best new Italian designer/brand are the categories in which in addition to talent for communication and message effectiveness, a more or less emerging brand is rewarded...

Esquire HK: SS23四大時裝週驚喜連連丨盤點6個破格時裝騷
Esquire HK: SS23四大時裝週驚喜連連丨盤點6個破格時裝騷

Konbini: Les moments de la Fashion Week que vous ne deviez (absolument) pas louper
Qui dit Fashion Week dit moments inattendus, haussement de sourcils et bouche béante. Voici nos favoris.
Konbini: Les moments de la Fashion Week que vous ne deviez (absolument) pas louper
Qui dit Fashion Week dit moments inattendus, haussement de sourcils et bouche béante. Voici nos favoris.

GQ: 是蛋糕還是皮鞋?Tal Maslavi「蛋糕造型」皮鞋還有不同口味!
最近有一款鞋款在網路上大爆紅,不是 Nike 又跟哪個品牌聯名了,是一位 Shenkar College of Engineering and Design 時裝設計的學生 Tal Maslavi 所創作的「 皮鞋造型蛋糕 」Derby 鞋款,也因為其可愛療癒的造型,在 Twitter 上爆紅!
GQ: 是蛋糕還是皮鞋?Tal Maslavi「蛋糕造型」皮鞋還有不同口味!
最近有一款鞋款在網路上大爆紅,不是 Nike 又跟哪個品牌聯名了,是一位 Shenkar College of Engineering and Design 時裝設計的學生 Tal Maslavi 所創作的「 皮鞋造型蛋糕 」Derby 鞋款,也因為其可愛療癒的造型,在 Twitter 上爆紅!

Fucking Young: Introducing Tal Maslavi
Tal Maslavi is a fashion student at Shenkar College in Israel. He just unveiled his 2021 collection featuring Gil Seri Levi and Lior Salinas shot by Guy Nechmad Stern and...
Fucking Young: Introducing Tal Maslavi
Tal Maslavi is a fashion student at Shenkar College in Israel. He just unveiled his 2021 collection featuring Gil Seri Levi and Lior Salinas shot by Guy Nechmad Stern and...